Entity health check: Legal Compliance Requirements Legal Entity Australia

Why should you consider an entity health check in Latin America? 

As a general rule, Latin America has a highly regulated business environment, with frequent headaches for business owners. Compliance is often one of the largest tasks a business faces when starting up, and unfortunately can be the undoing of a company, particularly for those with foreign backgrounds. An entity health check in Latin America can help you avoid some of the biggest problems.

The region’s various attractions such as tax incentives, low labor costs, and rapidly growing compound annual GDP rates are too appealing to ignore. To benefit from this business paradise and avoid compliance issues, an entity health check in Latin America is a good way to make sure everything is compliant, above board and critically, sustainable in the long term.

Biz Latin Hub is a specialist in the area, both in business terms and geographical terms. We know all about the importance of an entity health check in Latin America and can help you get one done. With 18 dedicated local offices around the region, we can help you with company formation and compliance no matter where you are, from Mexico City to Buenos Aires and anywhere in between. 

What is entity health check. Entoty health check definition.
Confirm which type of entity health check in Latin America you need.

What exactly is an entity health check in Latin America?

Entity health checks involve opening the company up to investigate possible compliance issues.

An Entity health check (also known as corporate health check) is an audit conducted by independent contractors who are employed to inspect accounting and legal compliance. Services of this kind consist of opening the company up to investigate possible compliance issues. These checks assess the business’ current status with all relevant government institutions.

By examining tax filings, social security payments, up to date licensing and general corporate housekeeping, a company can know if their actions and activities are clean. In a minefield of legal and accountancy regulations, it is very easy for companies to overlook or simply ignore compliance regulation.  

Entity health check types

To conduct a corporate entity health check in Latin America, it is important to distinguish which type of check is required. There are two different types of corporate health check – a high-level corporate health check and an in-depth gap analysis. 

High-level corporate health check: This type of health check looks into a company’s three key areas of legal compliance: registry filings, minutes of meetings and statutory registers. Through an in-depth analysis of these documents, it becomes clear for the health checker to find legal compliance.

In-depth gap analysis: This health check looks more into finances and accounting. To ensure a company is maintaining good and proper accountancy practices, health checkers can dive into a company’s transactions and financial statements and find issues or gaps in their filings.

Of course, for the most thorough corporate health check, taking both a legal and financial approach to sweep the company’s information will provide the most conclusive and reliable result. 

Why is an entity health check in Latin America important?

To avoid being penalized by financial or legal authorities, independent reviews and health checks are advised. This is particularly the case for newer or foreign companies who are not yet familiar with local corporate law. Health checks are also advised if a major legislation reform has been recently put in place.

Changes to corporate law can easily slip under the radar of business owners so to avoid penalties and fines, it is always advised to get a check. Entity health checks have applications for all companies – large or small. However, generally, users of health checks follow three categories: 

1. Startups 

Startups are often faced with a number of challenges – employing a workforce, bringing in capital, conforming to compliance, as well as a range of other administrative tasks associated with opening a new business. Further added complications occur with foreign business startups. During this juggling act of tasks, it is very easy for compliance to be overlooked.

This is where an entity health check provider could be useful pointing out gaps, whether it be fiscal or to do with licensing. Once the company is up and running, fewer of these checks will be required. An entity health check in Latin America can uncover all the financial details underneath the surface of a company.

2. Mergers and Acquisitions

 Company buyouts are a warren for compliance traps. On the surface of a company, all can seem profitable, compliant and equitable; underneath, however, can be a string of debt and fines. Such issues are highly relevant when valuing a business, and without knowledge of these problems, a merger or acquisition could spell disaster for the buyer.

An entity health check in Latin America is common practice for mergers and acquisitions. By fully investigating a company’s financial books and legal background, both parties can come to a fair and reasoned agreement. Particularly in the case of countries with many compliance regulations, a thorough investigation has to take place from a group of legal and accounting specialists. 

3. Branch offices of large corporations

Branch offices in foreign countries can be difficult to manage. Foreign branch offices often can easily fall into inattention. Issues such as time zones, foreign work cultures, as well as simply not having the time to constantly review your branchs’ performance, can mean the branch is unregulated.

To ensure performance as well as compliance, independent entity health checkers can be employed to keep a watchful eye on the branch, acting as an overseer of operations. Though not always the fault of the company as a whole, due to responsibility always falling at the highest authority, large companies and their reputations can be damaged by small issues. By looking after the specifics, companies can protect the bigger picture. 

Other benefits for your business

There is no doubt that the primary role of an entity health check in Latin America is to ensure corporate compliance. However, health checks also have other benefits such as a demonstration of good governance and also risk mitigation. 

A graphic titled "Legal Representatives" with text explaining their role, including tasks like signing contracts, opening bank accounts, providing commercial law guidance, coordinating with authorities, and applying for employment visas. It also offers insights on how to incorporate a company in Peru. Includes Biz Latin Hub logo.
A legal rep may help with an entity health check in Latin America

Good governance

In medium-large companies, it can be difficult for management to keep an eye on everything going on. Particularly in the process of expanding a company, where the focus is placed elsewhere and business owners are looking to the future rather than the past, it is common for compliance to slip.

The same can be said for companies with branch offices that have been neglected by management. By getting an entity health check in Latin America, the management team can ensure all is compliant as well as showing employees that their performance and actions are under review

Risk mitigation

Corporate compliance penalties can come in a variety of forms. Some issues, if not serious, authorities penalize on a tiered warning system; others come as fines; whilst the most serious, if suspected criminal, can end in jail time. Whatever the gravity of the situation, the consequences of penalties are never only direct; they invariably stretch out and impact the business as a whole.

A fine may only be a speed bump in the growth of the company but it can contribute to a bad quarter or even a bad reputation. More importantly, however, penalties take time and effort to address, particularly in the cases involving courts. An entity health check in Latin America can prevent your company from wasting time and money on indirect consequences of a penalty and instead focus on achieving its objectives. 

Biz Latin Hub can help you with an entity health check in Latin America

You should seek experts to do your entity health check in Latin America. Generally speaking, Latin America has a rigorous corporate compliance system. According to reports, Brazil and Argentina fall into the bracket of the top 10 most complex countries for corporate compliance. Though both countries have developed and thriving economies, corporate compliance regulations are comprehensive and, if mishandled, penalties are rigorous. 

Some of the largest multinational companies in the world go through health checks every financial quarter to avoid the burden of compliance issues. Though small-medium sized businesses may not be able to afford this luxury, entity health checks are advised, at the least on a yearly basis. 

Biz Latin Hub specializes in business services, particularly for foreign companies. Our legal and accounting experts all across Latin America are trained in auditing and corporate health checking services. By partnering with one of our offices, we can ensure your company is compliant with local law.

Contact us today to discuss how we can support you.

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Our CEO explains why you might need an entity health check in Latin America
As informações fornecidas aqui não devem ser interpretadas como orientação ou aconselhamento formal. Consulte um profissional para sua situação específica. As informações fornecidas são apenas para fins informativos e podem não abranger todas as leis, padrões e práticas recomendadas pertinentes. O cenário regulatório está em constante evolução; as informações mencionadas podem estar desatualizadas e/ou podem sofrer alterações. As interpretações apresentadas não são oficiais. Algumas seções baseiam-se nas interpretações ou pontos de vista de autoridades relevantes, mas não podemos garantir que essas perspectivas serão apoiadas em todos os ambientes profissionais.
La información que aquí se ofrece no debe interpretarse como orientación o asesoramiento formal. Por favor, consulte a un profesional para su situación específica. La información proporcionada tiene únicamente fines informativos y es posible que no recoja todas las leyes, normas y mejores prácticas pertinentes. El panorama normativo está en continua evolución; la información mencionada puede estar obsoleta y/o sufrir cambios. Las interpretaciones presentadas no son oficiales. Algunas secciones se basan en las interpretaciones o puntos de vista de las autoridades pertinentes, pero no podemos garantizar que estas perspectivas se respalden en todos los entornos profesionales.
The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.
Craig Dempsey
Craig Dempsey

Craig is a seasoned business professional in Latin America. He is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Biz Latin Hub Group that specializes in the provision market entry and back office services. Craig holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering, with honors and a Master's Degree in Project Management from the University of New South Wales. Craig is also an active board member on the Australian Colombian Business Council, and likewise also active with the Australian Latin American Business Council.

Craig is also a military veteran, having served in the Australian military on numerous overseas missions and also a former mining executive with experience in various overseas jurisdictions, including, Canada, Australia, Peru and Colombia.

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