Close-up of a person using a laptop, with only their hands visible typing on the keyboard. The laptop is on a table, and another open laptop is visible in the foreground. The background is slightly blurred, showing a dimly lit interior environment, perhaps hinting at the burgeoning era of 5G in Uruguay.

Key Developments for Fintech in Costa Rica

Fintech ecosystem in Costa Rica is rapidly evolving. Not only because technology is being applied to the finance sector, but because systems are being improved, becoming more efficient, equitable and accessible.

Furthermore, Costa Rica is currently a center of technological convergence. Large shared services, IT, outsourcing and customer service companies turn to this country to make large investments. This is the product of Costa Rica’s political and democratic stability, its quality telecommunication services, high educational levels and excellent geographical position.

Here’s what you need to know about the fintech developments in Costa Rica.

Costa Rican fintech legislation

Tablet in front of computer for making electronic transactions, used by Fintech in Costa Rica
Fintech in Costa Rica is rapidly evolving.

In Costa Rica, there is still no legislation that directly regulates the fintech sector. Most of the time fintech development occurs first and legislation comes later. However, despite the lack of regulations, there are some applicable to fintech initiatives in the country.

Although there is no specific law, fintech companies can face different regulations depending on their segment or type. For example:

  • Data Protection Law: Applies if data is collected and transferred to other legal entities.
  • Legitimation of Capital and Activities for the Transfer of Narcotics Law: Applies to activities that provide credit facilities.
  • Law of Regulation of Non-Bank Financial Companies: Applies to all companies that carry out financial intermediation.

Future supplementary legislation for fintechs in Costa Rica will enable innovation without neglecting due compliance.

Initiatives to support fintech in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has not yet established a formal institution that supports this type of technology or entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, technological development in this sector comes from startups and private companies that collaborate with international institutions and associations. These associations are made up of companies and professionals in the financial industry.

Likewise, Costa Rica leverages the Fintech Association of Central America and the Caribbean as a source of knowledge to better understand fintech regulations. This regional association also provides clarity on how fintech influences education, regulations and research and technology initiatives.

From traditional to digital banking

Traditional banks In Costa Rica have begun implementing fintech.

Although fintech initiatives mostly arise as technological solutions promoted by private startups, traditional banking institutions have also leveraged their opportunities. Thus, traditional banks have begun implementing fintech to provide more accessible solutions for its clients.

Both public and private banks have begun experimenting within some segments of fintech to offer its clients a better experience managing their assets. This makes fintech a key to providing more competitive solutions, such as payment solutions, business finance management, alternative financing platforms and alternative scoring.

According to the Inter-American Development Bank, it is necessary to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the public and private sectors to support initiatives in the initial stages.

How to strengthen the fintech sector in Costa Rica

The Inter-American Development Bank conducted a study called ‘Fintech in Costa Rica, Towards an Evolution of Financial Services‘. Although Costa Rica has a solid institutional framework and efficient financial regulations, the country still lacks an institutional framework in the entrepreneurial sector.

This framework could unite the efforts supporting entrepreneurship in Costa Rica to eliminate or reduce certain processes that entrepreneurs constantly face. The framework could also expand financing sources and grant better bank loans to early-stage ventures.

The creation of public policies is also key to the development of fintech startup initiatives in Costa Rica. Public notaries facilitate and provide support to entrepreneurs as they define their business model. Finally, Costa Rica should follow the example of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, to create more specific regulations on fintech issues.

Take advantage of the fintech ecosystem in Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s internet penetration and mobile telephony ease the adoption and use of online financial services. There are plenty of opportunities in the upcoming Fintech industry in Latin-America. To learn more about Fintech in Costa Rica, get in touch with Biz Latin Hub.

At Biz Latin Hub, our team of multilingual experts are equipped to provide personalized business solutions to clients and keep track of new market trends, such as monitoring the rise of fintech startups in Costa Rica. Our variability of company formation and back-office services is completely customizable to your business’s aspirations.

For more information, contact our Costa Rican office and see how your local team can help you. Learn about our team and expert authors.

Infographic: Biz Latin Hub services

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The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.
Legal Team Costa Rica
Legal Team Costa Rica

Legal Team Costa Rica is the Biz Latin Hub leading experts on doing business in Rica The Team writes on the news, doing business, law, and changing regulations. The team are experts in corporate law, Administrative law, Employment law, Immigration law and legal advisory services. Read more about them here. You can contact Legal Team Costa Rica via our "contact us page".

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