A stock image of a bird flying in Paraguay, where investors may benefit from outsourcing back office services

4 back office services in Paraguay ideal for outsourcing

If you are doing business in the Paraguayan market or planning to launch there, outsourcing some of your back office services in Paraguay is an ideal way to eliminate some heavy administrative burdens and significant compliance concerns from your core workload, providing the opportunity to focus in-house efforts on more profit-related matters.

BLH map of Paraguay to accompany article on back office services in the South American country.
A map of Paraguay and some key cities. Backlink outsourcing

Back office services encompass a broad range of functions, which, depending on the type of company and nature of your business, can include the likes of legal and accounting assistance, recruitment, investigative work, and representation before local authorities.

Such support is particularly attractive to anyone entering a new market with an unfamiliar regulatory regime and potential language barrier, because as well as getting relief in those particular areas, you also tap into the local contacts and market knowledge of the provider.

SEE ALSO: How to Incorporate a Company in Paraguay

Choosing your provider for back office services in Paraguay will depend on the type of services you are looking to outsource. For the likes of corporate legal or accounting work, such as drawing up contracts or filing annual tax returns, a dedicated legal or accounting firm could help you.

Similarly, should you be more interested in assistance with hiring and payroll outsourcing in Paraguay, a professional employer organization (PEO) could be useful.

However, if you are looking to outsource a broader range of back office services in Paraguay, you may find that your needs are best met by contracting a professional services company that specializes in providing a more comprehensive package of support, so that all of your needs can be met under one services agreement.

Below, four back office services that are ideal for outsourcing in Paraguay are highlighted, after some insight is provided into the country as an investment destination.

If you already know that you would like to outsource some of your back office services in Paraguay, contact us today to find out more about how we can support you.

Paraguay offers strong prospects to investors 

Paraguay is arguably one of the least recognized, yet most promising, investment destinations in Latin America. 

Nicknamed “The Heart of South America,” owing to its geographic location, nestled between Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil, this landlocked nation of more than 7 million people has been declared “one of the best countries to invest in Latin America” by Interamerican Development Bank President Mauricio Claver-Carone.

Among many good reasons to invest in Paraguay are the country’s young and competitive workforce, strong real estate returns, a recent history of economic and political stability, and a favorable immigration system for foreign investors.

The country has also been adopting an increasingly international approach over recent years, including implementing internationally-accepted transfer pricing norms. In late-2021, the country also completed negotiations with Chile to establish a free trade agreement (FTA) – the first bilateral FTA that Paraguay has ever signed.

Paraguay is also a founding member of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) – a 30-year old economic integration and trade promotion initiative that also includes Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, and to which Bolivia is awaiting formal acceptance.

As a member of Mercosur, companies resident in Paraguay enjoy preferential access to those markets, as well as a range of others that have struck FTAs and other trade-based agreements with the South American bloc.

Below, four back office services in Paraguay ideal for outsourcing are highlighted.

When thinking of  hiring and recruitment outsourcing in Paraguay it’s important to know the employment contract
Three main types of employment contract in Paraguay. Backlink outsourcing

4 back office services in Paraguay to outsource

1. Accounting & taxation:

Accounting and taxation is a notoriously heavy and specialist administrative burden, which when not undertaken properly can result in legal inconveniences, financial penalties, and reputational damage in the eyes of local authorities. 

When you choose accounting and taxation as one of the back office services in Paraguay to outsource, you do so in the knowledge that your experienced provider will be aware of and able to avoid common pitfalls and hurdles. 

As well as guaranteeing your compliance with local legislation, they will also be able to provide you with ongoing advice, and help you manage your tax burden in the most efficient way possible.

2. Legal services:

Another back office service ideal for outsourcing in Paraguay is legal support, with which your provider will be able to help you negotiate all of the particularities of the Paraguayan corporate legal system.

They will also be able to offer valuable advice to guide you in some key decisions, such as how to structure your entity and which local partners to work with, as well as providing ongoing support with the likes of immigration.

As with accounting and taxation, when you outsource legal services in Paraguay, you enjoy the benefits of guaranteed compliance and minimum disruptions, as you launch and run your business. 

3. Recruitment & hiring:

Recruiting the best staff can be challenging in an unfamiliar market, so when considering back office services in Paraguay to outsource, recruitment and hiring can be a good choice.

Because by outsourcing your hiring, you tap into the providers established recruitment network and knowledge of the local market, including the best educational programs and past employers to be looking out for on candidate resumes.

If you seek recruitment support from a PEO in Paraguay, they will also be able to manage the administration of salaries with offer payroll outsourcing services, while they could also potentially employ staff on your behalf so that you can get to work sooner than it takes to complete the company formation process.

4. Company formation:

If you are considering outsourcing back office services in Paraguay as part of a market entry strategy, another good option for seeking support is with the company formation process.

While this is essentially a legal service, it is one that has to be arranged in advance, and will often be handled by dedicated specialists. By seeking support with company formation in Paraguay, again you enjoy the guarantee of compliance and the convenience of the process being completed in the shortest possible time.

That will be particularly useful if you are not proficient in Spanish – the most widely-spoken official language in the country, and the one that will be used in all official processes and documents.

Biz Latin Hub provides back office services in Paraguay

At Biz Latin Hub, we provide integrated packages of market entry and back office support throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, with offices in 17 key cities around the region, including the Paraguayan capital of Asuncion.

Our unrivaled regional presence means we are ideal partners to support multi-jurisdiction market entries and cross-border operations, including international tax planning.

Our comprehensive portfolio includes accounting & taxation, legal services, hiring & PEO, and company formation, among others.

Contact us today for a quote or free consultation.

If you found this article on back office services in Paraguay of interest, check out the rest of our coverage of this South American market. Or read about our team and expert authors.

A Biz Latin Hub infographic of the key services provided including company formation, hiring & PEO, and legal services
Key services offered by Biz Latin Hub. Backlink outsourcing
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La información que aquí se ofrece no debe interpretarse como orientación o asesoramiento formal. Por favor, consulte a un profesional para su situación específica. La información proporcionada tiene únicamente fines informativos y es posible que no recoja todas las leyes, normas y mejores prácticas pertinentes. El panorama normativo está en continua evolución; la información mencionada puede estar obsoleta y/o sufrir cambios. Las interpretaciones presentadas no son oficiales. Algunas secciones se basan en las interpretaciones o puntos de vista de las autoridades pertinentes, pero no podemos garantizar que estas perspectivas se respalden en todos los entornos profesionales.
The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.
Craig Dempsey
Craig Dempsey

Craig is a seasoned business professional in Latin America. He is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Biz Latin Hub Group that specializes in the provision market entry and back office services. Craig holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering, with honors and a Master's Degree in Project Management from the University of New South Wales. Craig is also an active board member on the Australian Colombian Business Council, and likewise also active with the Australian Latin American Business Council.

Craig is also a military veteran, having served in the Australian military on numerous overseas missions and also a former mining executive with experience in various overseas jurisdictions, including, Canada, Australia, Peru and Colombia.

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